Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

By putting a questionnaire on survey monkey, we were able to collect responses from our target audience and this helped us with decisions we made about our narrative and how we would present it in our storyboard.

The first question we asked was if they were male or female. We needed to know this because the majority of people that answere were female so most of the results were from a female point of view.

The next question we asked was how old they are? This is so that we can get an idea about the target audience and what age peoples opinions are. Our trailer is aimed at 16-25 year olds.
The third question didnt tell us a lot as the results were quite similar. When we decided to do the horror genre, we asked if people would enjoy having a typical theme for the trailer or a not so typical theme. Our examples were torture for typical as there are a lot of horror films with torture in, and voodoo for the not so typical theme as voodoo is not a theme that is often seen in horror films.
We then asked what characters the audience would most like to see in a horror, what age would they like? Most said teenagers, i think because it would be more scary if the characters are our age rather than older.
Our next question was what peoples worst fear are. We thought this was a good question as we can look at the majority and include that fear in our movie as this would be the most effective for our target audience. We found that being trapped and not able to escape is the majority of peoples worst fear as this suits our genre and our main character is 'trapped' in a mental institution and has to try really hard to escape.
The sixth question was very helpful because it shows us that psychological horror is the most popular subgenre of horror and this is good as that was our favourite chosen subgenre. This effects our teaser trailer idea because it is a pyschological horror and there is a big mystery throughout the narrative until the end.
Our next question produced clear results as it showed that a large majority wanted to see suggestive horror rather than blatent horror and this is easier for us to create as it would be hard to show blatent torture and horror when we dont have the equipment or enough skills to make it look high budget.
The last question on our questionnaire was whether we should make the villain look realistic or make believe, and the results showed that 85% thought the villain should look realistic. This question was interesting because our villain is our main character but the audience dont find that out to the end.

This research has helped us enormously with our teaser trailer as we were able to get opinions from the target audience to see what would attract them most. All of the questions we asked were relevant and made an impact on our narrative decision for our film. We decided our target audience was females aged 15+ so we can be inventive with our teaser trailer and not worry about it being too scary for children. Our choice of sub genre was definitely influenced by the audience as most people agreed that psychological horrors were the most interesting genre as there is likely to be a twist. We will also make sure that the horror we include is suggestive which is more relastic for us as producers and it won't look to low budget.

1 comment:

  1. Well presented, but should be moved before narrative ideas to look more in place. Also, need to evaluate the impact of these results and how they influenced your decisions in narrative, genre, etc.

