Thursday, 16 September 2010

The Last Exorcism poster

This is a poster for a new released film called 'The Last Exorcism'. The poster is clearly advertising a horror film and the title gives away the clue that it is about spiritual horror that involves demons.
The tagline which is located in the top third of the poster in the centre is in small writing but in capitals. It is very blunt and clear, telling the audience to be scared of 'him' and that we cannot deny that 'he' exists. It works as it scares the audience and is to the point.

The girl in the middle standing in a very odd position draws the attention from audiences as it is unusual and has connotations of horror, it looks as if she is deformed, shocking the audience. The fact that we cannot see the face of the character in the poster creates mystery and this makes the audience anxious because they have to wait to see the film or trailer to see what she looks like. The main colours used are black, white and red which are typical gothic colours and have elements of horror. The dark shadow underneath the girl also has connotations of horror as shadows are seen as something that hasnt been seen but we know its there. The persuasive techniques used in the poster are the girl in the middle and the tagline as we want to know who we need to believe in. The girl is a unique selling point because of the stature and we want to know what it wrong with her.

I think the intended audience for the poster was teenagers as the girl is a teenager in the movie and horror supposedly appeal more to teenagers rather than children of over 25's. The Christian symbol of the cross underneath the tagline on the poster represents that their will be Christian connoations in the film and that the characters will be Christians.

I like the elements of the shadow in the poster and we have decided to used shadows in our film and maybe as a possiblity for our poster as well. The use of black and white has also inspired us and we like this idea for our poster as well. Maybe having one thing in colour red to symbolise danger and blood as then we will be using typical gothic colours; red white and black.

This poster applies to design theory we have learnt about as the title is located at the bottom of the page which is similar for other film posters and the image is usually above it. The figure of the girl is located in the bottom half of the screen like most other film posters as the eye is immediately drawn to this space on the poster.

1 comment:

  1. The posters you have analysed should look annotated rather than small essays written around a picture.

    Good analysis though, but what about some design theory that Mr B told you about??

    Also, pick out particular elements which interest you that you might like to use yourself

