Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Research for Website ideas

We have looked at a number of different websites to gain ideas for our own website. We have mainly concentrated on films from our genre. One of the most effective websites we looked at was 'Gothika'.

 Gothika Official Site

"Loading" feature: As all websites, they take time to load. However to keep the audience interested while waiting, an effective website always has a interesting 'loading' feature while the audience waits. For example, Gothika's website has an image of a syringe as soon as you click onto the webpage. As the home page is loading, the syring loses blood, so show that the time is passing and the page will be loaded after the syringe is empty. This keeps the audiece looking at the screen and waiting for what appears next. We would like to be able to use something like this on our website, and have come up with a few designs of objects that can fill with blood or lose blood to show that the page is loading. We need objects that are to do with our narrative and genre, which tell the audience something about the narrative, but not too much.

 As soon as the page finishes loading, an image appears, flickering, of a girl in a lit doorway quite far away. This immediatley grabs the audience's attention as it happens quickly and only appears for a short while. We are hoping to create an image that will appear quickly to scare the audience.

The home page shows an image of the main actor, Halle Berry, in distress, with a girl behind her in blue lighting. It is simple yet effective. The title of the film is at the top of the page written in eery font. The colour scheme is clearly black and blue on this website, and does not use the conventional colour of blood for a horror movie, like it did with the syringe. This shows that the film is more pyschological than horror. The menu can be found in the top left hand corner and is easy to use. The font is simple and clear for the audience to read. It uses animation as it flickers when the mouse hovers over it.

We are hoping to create a website that keeps the audience interested and has a lot of features that shows they would be able to interact on the website.

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