When desiging our ancilliary tasks, we need to think about drawing our audience in. We are designing our film poster and this is our first draft. We are focusing on the title being the main focus point, and there will be a small image that draws the audience closer in such as a handprint or a reflection. The poster will show an image of a window that will either show bright light in the background or darkness so that the font of the title will be emphasised. We have found our chosen font from a website, and after we have taken the photo of the window we will play around with editing to put the font as if it on the window. Next to the film title, will be a bloody hand print that we will create ourselves. We will play around with the angle of the hand print and the transparency of it. Then at the bottom of the poster will be the date of the film release which will be the same as the film title font. The rest of the text such as production company etc. will be in a normal font that we are yet to decide. All of the font will be red to fit with the connotations of horror.
Inspiration from other posters

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